- To award grants for the acquisition of title, conservation easements, and/or development rights to watershed land for the purpose of protecting, preserving, and enhancing water quality now and for future generations throughout the region.
- To award grants to organizations providing education in the appreciation of and preservation of our environment, with particular emphasis on the understanding of our water resources, the negative impacts of development and other activities on water quality, and the benefits to water quality and the environment of preserving watershed land as open space.
The Board of Directors has created a Distribution Committee that is charged with:
- Promoting the availability of grants and scholarships
- Recommending grant and scholarship guidelines to The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund Board of Directors for approval by the Board
- Reviewing grant and scholarship applications received
- Rejecting grant and scholarship applications which fail to meet the guidelines as determined by the committee
- Recommending grant and scholarship recipients whose applications meet the guidelines and are deemed worthy by the committee to The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund Board of Directors for approval by the Board
Applications for grants for land acquisition and environmental education programs are considered by the Board of Directors at its May and November meetings. Applications must be submitted by April 1 for consideration at the May meeting and October 1 for consideration at the November meeting. The deadline for applications for individual scholarships is in April. The annual deadline is indicated on the application form.
Applicants are encouraged to consult with The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund informally before preparing a grant application.
Applicants will be notified by mail of the decision on the application as soon as practicable after the decision by the Board or Committee. Please confer with The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund about specific dates for Board/Committee decisions.
The Fund will maintain a file on each grant awarded, including the information the Fund used to evaluate the grant, a record of the action taken on each grant application, the amount of the grant and outcome reports received from the grant recipient.
- Types of Organizations Eligible to Apply for Grants:
Non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations
Regional health districts
Municipalities Public and private schools and Colleges - Projects must benefit or have a meaningful relation to the residents of the South Central Connecticut Regional Water District. The District is comprised of: Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Branford, Cheshire, Derby. East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Killingworth, Madison, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Prospect, Seymour, West Haven and Woodbridge.
- Grant recipients are asked to acknowledge The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund in any publicity (e.g., brochures, newsletters, websites, signage at a site) concerning the project/land acquisition for which the grant is made and whenever the organization’s financial supporters are listed.4. A non-profit organization must provide a copy of its currently effective tax exemption letter from the Internal Revenue Service.5. Use Application A for Land Acquisition applications and Application B for Environmental Education Program applications.
These guidelines are in addition to the general Grantmaking Guidelines.
- Selection of environmental education programs for funding will be based on several factors, including:
- Program must complement the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority’s environmental education program and be offered to citizens within the South Central Connecticut Regional Water District.
- Program must provide an educational experience that would enhance the Authority’s Source Water Protection Program or create opportunities to advance the mission of The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc.
- Application must include quantifiable benchmarks to measure a project’s objectives.
- Applications to fund technology in an educational setting that advance the mission of The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc. may be considered.
- Receipt of a grant does not guarantee future funding and, ordinarily, the Fund does not provide funds for more than two consecutive years.
- Grants for environmental education programs require submission of an outcome report within three months of project completion, or as specified at the time of grant.
- Such grants typically do not exceed $10,000.
- Use Application B.
The Board may at any time in its discretion make grants to deserving and qualified recipients on its own initiative, not inconsistent with the foregoing Guidelines, and subject to such further terms and conditions as the Board deems appropriate.
These guidelines are in addition to the general Grantmaking Guidelines.
- Selection of land parcels for acquisition of interest or other forms of protection will be based on several factors, including:
- Land must be located within the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority’s public drinking water supply watershed or aquifer protection areas.
- Land must enhance the Authority’s water supply protection program giving due consideration to parcel size, location, protection of watercourses, wetlands and steep slopes, zoning, and development potential.
- Acquisition eliminates an in-holding within Regional Water Authority property.
- Property location is adjacent to other Authority property or protected open space thereby expanding watershed and open space protection.
- Property improves access to existing Authority property and/or boundary maintenance.
- Grants are made only for the purchase of an interest in land; associated transaction costs are not eligible for grant funding. Grant funds will not be available for property acquired prior to the date of the grant application; once the grant application is submitted, applicants may proceed at their risk with closing prior to receiving a determination from The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc.
- As a condition of any grant for land acquisition, The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc. requires that the property purchased in whole or part with grant funds be (1) classified as Class I or II watershed land as described in CT General Statutes 25-37(c) or eligible for such classification, or (2) subject to a permanent conservation easement held by an entity acceptable to The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc.
- Applications must include at least one appraisal of the property that is the subject of the application by a certified appraiser within six (6) months of the date of the application; and a copy of a Purchase and Sale Agreement on the property that is the subject of the application executed by all parties.
- Use Application A.
The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund Scholarship Program Award Guidelines
Provide college scholarship grants to deserving students who reside within the Regional Water Authority District who intend to enter, or are currently enrolled in, an accredited university or two-year or four-year college to pursue undergraduate studies in the environmental sciences.
Environmental sciences include fields of study such as marine biology, natural resources, aquaculture and fisheries technology, wildlife ecology and forestry. Historically, fields of study such as medicine and pre-medicine, molecular biology, fire science, psychology and landscape architecture have not been considered environmental sciences.
The following set of principles will be followed when awarding scholarships
- All awards must be given for charitable or educational purposes.
- Each recipient must be a student who resides within the Regional Water Authority District and who intends to enter, or is currently enrolled in, an accredited university or two-year or four-year college to pursue undergraduate studies in the environmental sciences as previously herein defined. Graduate student applications will not be accepted, except, in transition for those graduate students enrolled in the same degree program who were awarded a scholarship during the 2018-2019 school year.
- Selection of recipients must be made on an objective and non-discriminatory basis.
- There must be no private benefit, directly or indirectly, to those who serve on The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc. Board, the Representative Policy Board or the Five-Member Authority if certain potential grantees are selected over others.
- Financial need of applicants is part of the selection process.
- Recommendations for award recipients must be submitted to The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc. in writing.
- The group from which award recipients are selected must be sufficiently large to constitute a charitable class so that the giving of awards to members of such group is considered to fulfill a charitable or educational purpose.
- The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund’s Board of Directors will make the availability of the scholarship fund known by oral or written communications each year to the principals of secondary schools in the District of the Regional Water Authority. The Board shall:
- Promote the availability of the scholarship fund and actively participate in decisions about scholarship grantmaking.
- Review scholarship materials prior to the meeting for selection of applicants.
- Determine annually the number and amount of scholarships to be awarded.
- Award selected recipients with scholarships based on the factors set forth in items 3 and 5 below.
- Selection of award recipients will be based on several objective factors including merit and financial need. The factors are listed below:
- Demonstrated academic ability. A student need not be at the top of her/his class, but must have demonstrated a capacity to succeed in the chosen course of environmental sciences.
- Demonstrated concern for school and community. Volunteer projects and active participation in school activities that indicate a commitment to the community.
- Life experience. A student’s voluntary or paid work experience supports her/his goals and aspirations in life.
- Teacher/advisor recommendation. The recommendation clearly outlines a student’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Financial need. Need will be assessed using methodology that takes into consideration current family income, accumulated assets, family size and number of family members in school. To assist in this review, a U. S. Department of Education Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required.
- Residence in the district of the Regional Water Authority.
- Proof of acceptance by an accredited institution.
- Student statement of intent to pursue a course of study that meets the mission of The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc..
- Personal statement (not to exceed two pages) including information concerning past environmental activities and involvements and student’s school and career goals as they relate to the environment.
- Selection of award recipients will be made on a non-discriminatory basis. Scholarships will be made to students without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national and ethnic origin or sexual preference.
- Scholarships may be awarded at two levels, the dollar amounts to be adjusted from time to time by The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc. Board of Directors:
- $8,000.00 David Silverstone Watershed Fund Leadership Scholarship (the “Leadership Scholarship”). Two scholarships at this level may be awarded annually based on the following selection criteria, in addition to the factors listed in Section 3 above. Applicants should include in their application how they fulfill criteria 2 and 3 below.
- Student is entering his or her junior or senior year at an accredited university or two-year or four-year college.
- Student demonstrates a commitment to a degree and career in environmental studies, as evidenced by college major, leadership responsibilities undertaken, level of academic performance, extra-curricular and community activities and voluntary or paid work.
- Demonstrated financial need exists.
- $6,000.00 Claire C. Bennitt Scholarship (the “ Scholarship”) and $5,000.00 Evelyn Yoder Scholarship (the “Evelyn Yoder Scholarship”).
- $8,000.00 David Silverstone Watershed Fund Leadership Scholarship (the “Leadership Scholarship”). Two scholarships at this level may be awarded annually based on the following selection criteria, in addition to the factors listed in Section 3 above. Applicants should include in their application how they fulfill criteria 2 and 3 below.
- Payment of Awards: Payment will be made via ACH only to the University or two-year or four-year College and will be paid directly to the College or University pursuant to the institution’s agreement to (a) use the funds to defray the student’s tuition and fees required for enrollment or attendance at the school and/or fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses of instruction at the school, but only if the student is enrolled at the school and the student’s standing at such school is consistent with the purposes and conditions of the grant, and (b) provide to the Fund an annual report on the academic performance of the student. The amount of the scholarship will be the award, less the amount that would result in the reduction of an award from the student’s University or College that they intend to enter or in which they are currently enrolled. Under no circumstance will scholarship awards be paid directly to students. Awards that are returned by the school, either because student drops out or never attends, are credited to the Fund.
- Subsequent Awards. After the initial scholarship grant has been awarded, subsequent awards to that recipient, if any, will be based upon factors including verification that curriculum of study meets the mission of The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc., recipient’s updated personal statement, continued need and demonstrated maintenance of scholastic standards.
Renewal scholarship applicants must be enrolled in an accredited university or two-year or four-year college. They must be pursuing courses in a field of study leading to a major in environmental sciences, and, by his or her junior year, must have declared a major in the environmental sciences.
Renewals of previously awarded The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc. Scholarships are given priority over new awards up to a maximum of four years. Leadership Scholarships are awarded for one year only. Leadership Scholarship recipients who reapply in a subsequent year are given priority for a Watershed Fund Scholarship over new awards. - If the selection of a scholarship recipient is based in any way on the employment status of an applicant or any relative of an applicant, there will be no direct or indirect relationship between the members of The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc. Board, Representative Policy Board or Five-Member Authority and the employer. No family of members of The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc., Representative Policy Board or Five-Member Authority are eligible to apply for assistance from the Fund. For purposes of this guideline, family (by whole or half blood, adoption or marriage) includes spouse, brothers or sisters, spouses of brothers or sisters, ancestors, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and spouses of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
- The Fund will maintain a file on each scholarship awarded, including all information the Fund used to evaluate the qualification of potential grantees, a record of the action taken on each scholarship application, the amount and purpose of each scholarship, and the reports on the recipient from the school the recipient attends.
- The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc. may give preference to applicants who will attend colleges or universities within the State of Connecticut.
Link to Scholarship Application.